Friday, January 11, 2008

What if your Audience is the whole electronic UNIVERSE?

When I was growing up, if I wanted to share something with a large group of people I'd have to write a story and get it published. On a smaller scale , I could write a note and pass it around school --maybe 30 kids would read it. No Internet existed. No cell phones, no email, no blogging, news feeds, Instant Message, Chat Rooms, Text messaging, In fact , these words had not yet come into existence.

The world today is an instant electronic connection.

The only thing I ever imagined that could be remotely like this ( when I was growing up ) is that we would all "grok" each other psychicly -- like Heinlein's Stranger -- Valentine Michael Smith.

I still believe that we really do that.

My experience is of a" knowing" that goes beyond the way we usually think of getting information. The kind of knowing that makes the hair stand up on the back of my neck when someone is looking at me from across a room and I can "feel" them.

The kind of connection that draws someone to me, an Art Teacher -- who runs into my grocery cart at the supermarket and drops his stack of flyers for his new painting class, after I woke up that very morning and swore I would find a way to start painting again because I love it and I dreamed about painting the night before -- and I woke up with my heart full of the joy of creating.

The kind of knowing that causes a friend to phone me on my cell as my car, spinning through the air at 65 mph, crashes on its roof -- crushed in a ditch.
When I regain consciousness and answer the phone, all he says is " Oh my God-- what happened? --Are you alright?" as if he was sitting there, in the broken glass next to me, instead of a thousand miles away.

Don't believe that I don't love the internet.

I do love it -- and all the immediate electronic access we have to each other and everything.

I appreciate it -- and I am in gratitude for the freedom it gives us.

Yet I remain acutely aware of the limitations of doing this "connecting" using something artificial -- outside of our unexplored fabulous mega-computer brains, and what ever OTHER parts of us and our senses-- yet undiscovered-- that may be involved in the organic process of "knowing" and connecting.

And though I have a sense of "feeling" people when they give me an electronic (((( HUG ))))), and I get an immediate answer and immediate gratification in Instant Message Chat mode--

To me, there is nothing more basic and at the same time AWE-- FULL as standing with another being, nose to nose, toes to toes, looking into their eyes and seeing the light of their life and the delicious vulnerability of knowing that they too are seeing in to me ( now THAT'S what I call intimacy )

I believe if we allowed ourselves to completely remember the feeling of this and FEEL it ( even if it hasn't happened since our mother's did it while they nursed us at birth )
we would each admit that THAT is the high speed connection we are really longing for.

And when we are all ready to open to IT and allow ourselves to experience the true depth of our all knowing connection with each other and everything, we'll no longer have to worry about how strong our wireless signal is, or how much battery power we have left :-)

Thank You for Groking me,


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